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Identity management processes, contextual supports and barriers, and substance use among sexual minority workers: A social cognitive lens.
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-07 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000717
Alexander K Tatum 1 , Robert W Lent 2

Sexual minority people report substance use at higher rates than their heterosexual peers. Workplace sexual identity management, defined as the process by which sexual minority persons disclose or conceal their identities at work, may exacerbate substance use under stressful conditions, such as when faced with incivility. However, there is a paucity of research on the relation of the work environment to sexual minority workers' substance use. The present study used the social cognitive career self-management model as a conceptual framework to examine two aspects of the work environment (positive climate and harassment) in relation to the sexual identity management process and substance use of sexual minority workers. Because plurisexual employees (e.g., bisexual or pansexual) often face additional workplace stressors relative to their monosexual sexual minority peers, we also examined the links between plurisexual identity and each component of the self-management model. Participants were 418 full-time sexual minority workers residing in the United States. Results were largely consistent with the self-management model derived in terms of the prediction of sexual identity disclosure in the workplace. Workplace harassment moderated the relationship between identity disclosure and substance use, such that disclosure was linked more strongly to substance use in the context of more frequent harassment experiences. Plurisexuality was negatively related to disclosure self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and level of outness at work. Plurisexual workers also perceived their work climates as less identity-affirming. We consider implications for research and practice, including organizational interventions to minimize sexual minority workers' experience of workplace harassment. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



性少数群体的药物使用率高于异性恋同龄人。工作场所性别身份管理被定义为性少数群体在工作中披露或隐藏其身份的过程,可能会在压力条件下(例如面对不文明行为时)加剧药物使用。然而,关于工作环境与性少数工人物质使用关系的研究很少。本研究使用社会认知职业自我管理模型作为概念框架,研究与性少数工人的性别认同管理过程和物质使用相关的工作环境的两个方面(积极氛围和骚扰)。由于多性恋员工(例如双性恋或泛性恋)相对于单性恋性少数同龄人通常面临额外的工作场所压力,因此我们还研究了多性恋身份与自我管理模型的每个组成部分之间的联系。参与者是居住在美国的 418 名全职性少数群体工人。结果与根据工作场所性别身份披露预测得出的自我管理模型基本一致。工作场所骚扰调节了身份披露与药物使用之间的关系,使得在更频繁的骚扰经历的背景下,身份披露与药物使用的联系更加紧密。多性恋与自我效能感、结果期望和工作中的外在程度呈负相关。多性恋工人还认为他们的工作氛围不太肯定身份。我们考虑对研究和实践的影响,包括采取组织干预措施,尽量减少性少数工人在工作场所遭受骚扰的经历。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。