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Absence of𝐸2⁢𝑔Nematic Instability and Dominant𝐴1⁢𝑔Response in the Kagome MetalCsV3⁢Sb5
Physical Review X ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevx.14.031015
Zhaoyu Liu 1 , Yue Shi 1 , Qianni Jiang 1 , Elliott W. Rosenberg 1 , Jonathan M. DeStefano 1 , Jinjin Liu 2, 2 , Chaowei Hu 1 , Yuzhou Zhao 1, 1 , Zhiwei Wang 2, 2 , Yugui Yao 2, 2 , David Graf 3, 4 , Pengcheng Dai 5 , Jihui Yang 1 , Xiaodong Xu 1, 1 , Jiun-Haw Chu 1

Ever since the discovery of the charge density wave (CDW) transition in the kagome metal CsV3Sb5, the nature of its symmetry breaking has been under intense debate. While evidence suggests that the rotational symmetry is already broken at the CDW transition temperature (𝑇CDW), an additional electronic nematic instability well below 𝑇CDW has been reported based on the diverging elastoresistivity coefficient in the anisotropic channel (𝑚𝐸2𝑔). Verifying the existence of a nematic transition below 𝑇CDW is not only critical for establishing the correct description of the CDW order parameter, but also important for understanding low-temperature superconductivity. Here, we report elastoresistivity measurements of CsV3Sb5 using three different techniques probing both isotropic and anisotropic symmetry channels. Contrary to previous reports, we find the anisotropic elastoresistivity coefficient 𝑚𝐸2𝑔 is temperature independent, except for a step jump at 𝑇CDW. The absence of nematic fluctuations is further substantiated by measurements of the elastocaloric effect, which show no enhancement associated with nematic susceptibility. On the other hand, the symmetric elastoresistivity coefficient 𝑚𝐴1𝑔 increases below 𝑇CDW, reaching a peak value of 90 at 𝑇*=20K. Our results strongly indicate that the phase transition at 𝑇* is not nematic in nature and the previously reported diverging elastoresistivity is due to the contamination from the 𝐴1𝑔 channel.


Kagome MetalCsV3Sb5 中不存在 E2g向列不稳定性和 DominantA1gResponse

自从在笼目金属 CsV3Sb5 中发现电荷密度波 (CDW) 跃迁以来,其对称性破坏的性质一直受到激烈争论。虽然有证据表明旋转对称性在 CDW 转变温度 (TCDW) 下已经被打破,但根据各向异性通道 (mE2g) 中的发散弹性电阻系数,已经报道了远低于 TCDW 的额外电子向列不稳定性。验证 TCDW 以下是否存在向列转变不仅对于建立 CDW 阶次参数的正确描述至关重要,而且对于理解低温超导性也很重要。在这里,我们报告了使用三种不同的技术探测各向同性和各向异性对称通道的 CsV3Sb5 的弹性电阻率测量。与之前的报道相反,我们发现各向异性弹性电阻系数 mE2g 与温度无关,除了 TCDW 处的跃升。弹性热量效应的测量进一步证实了向列波动的缺失,该效应显示与向列磁化率相关的没有增强。另一方面,对称弹性电阻系数 mA1gTCDW 以下增加,在 T*=20 K 时达到峰值 90。我们的结果强烈表明,T* 处的相变本质上不是向列的,以前报道的发散弹性电阻率是由于 A1g 通道的污染。