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Updated criteria for the approval of subsequent pregnancy after cesarean section with a transverse uterine fundal incision based on 17 years of experience
The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 , DOI: 10.1111/jog.16015
Takashi Shibata 1 , Koji Nishijima 2 , Satoshi Nakago 1 , Fumikazu Kotsuji 1

In the case of placenta previa‐accreta when the placenta covers the entire anterior uterine wall, it is difficult to avoid transecting the placenta by traditional low‐transverse cesarean section (CS), resulting in catastrophic hemorrhage and fetal anemia. To prevent this critical risk, we developed the CS with transverse uterine fundal incision (TUFI) and this technique has been widely used as a beneficial surgical method in clinical practice owing to its safety advantages for the mother and neonate since our first report. However, the risk of uterine rupture during a subsequent pregnancy remains unclear. Based on our 17 years of experience, patients who require TUFI do not need to avoid this beneficial operative method simply because of their desire to conceive again, as long as certain conditions can be met. To approve a post‐TUFI pregnancy, an appropriate suture method, delay in conception for at least 12 months with evaluation of the TUFI scar, and cautious postoperative management are at a minimum essential. In this article, we showed our recommendation for operative procedure and discuss the current status of the management of post‐TUFI pregnancies based on the evaluation of the TUFI wound scar and experience with postoperative pregnancies.


根据 17 年的经验,更新了子宫腹产横切口宫产后批准后续妊娠的标准

在前置胎盘植入的情况下,当胎盘覆盖整个子宫前壁时,传统的低位横断面剖宫产 (CS) 很难避免横切胎盘,导致灾难性出血和胎儿贫血。为了防止这种关键风险,我们开发了带有子宫横切口的 CS 子宫底切口 (TUFI),自我们首次报告以来,该技术因其对母亲和新生儿的安全优势而在临床实践中被广泛用作有益的手术方法。然而,后续妊娠期间子宫破裂的风险仍不清楚。根据我们 17 年的经验,只要满足某些条件,需要 TUFI 的患者不需要仅仅因为他们渴望再次怀孕而避免这种有益的手术方法。要批准 TUFI 后妊娠,适当的缝合方法、延迟受孕至少 12 个月并评估 TUFI 疤痕以及谨慎的术后管理至少是必不可少的。在本文中,我们展示了我们对手术程序的建议,并根据对 TUFI 伤口疤痕的评估和术后妊娠的经验讨论了 TUFI 后妊娠管理的现状。