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Rewiring gene circuitry for plant improvement
Nature Genetics ( IF 31.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 , DOI: 10.1038/s41588-024-01806-7
Alexander T Borowsky 1 , Julia Bailey-Serres 1

Aspirations for high crop growth and yield, nutritional quality and bioproduction of materials are challenged by climate change and limited adoption of new technologies. Here, we review recent advances in approaches to profile and model gene regulatory activity over developmental and response time in specific cells, which have revealed the basis of variation in plant phenotypes: both redeployment of key regulators to new contexts and their repurposing to control different slates of genes. New synthetic biology tools allow tunable, spatiotemporal regulation of transgenes, while recent gene-editing technologies enable manipulation of the regulation of native genes. Ultimately, understanding how gene circuitry is wired to control form and function across varied plant species, combined with advanced technology to rewire that circuitry, will unlock solutions to our greatest challenges in agriculture, energy and the environment.



