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Constraints on cosmic-ray boosted dark matter with realistic cross section
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-29 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/07/074
Atanu Guha , Jong-Chul Park

Sub-MeV cold dark-matter particles are unable to produce electronic recoil in conventional dark-matter direct detection experiments such as XENONnT and LUX-ZEPLIN above the detector threshold. The mechanism of boosted dark matter comes into picture to constrain the parameter space of such low mass dark matter from direct detection experiments. We consider the effect of the leading components of cosmic rays to boost the cold dark matter, which results in significant improvements on the exclusion limits compared to the existing ones. To present concrete study results, we choose to work on models consisting of a dark-matter particle χ with an additional U(1)' gauge symmetry including the secluded dark photon, U(1)B-L, and U(1)L e-L μ . We find that the energy dependence of the scattering cross section plays a crucial role in improving the constraints. In addition, we systematically estimate the Earth shielding effect on boosted dark matter in losing energy while traveling to the underground detector through the Earth.



在传统的暗物质直接探测实验中,例如 XENONnT 和 LUX-ZEPLIN 高于探测器阈值,亚兆电子伏冷暗物质粒子无法产生电子反冲。增强暗物质的机制通过直接探测实验来限制这种低质量暗物质的参数空间。我们考虑了宇宙射线的主要成分对冷暗物质的增强作用,与现有的排除极限相比,这导致了排除极限的显着改善。为了呈现具体的研究结果,我们选择研究由暗物质粒子组成的模型χ具有额外的 U(1)' 规范对称性,包括隐蔽的暗光子、U(1) BL和 U(1) L e - L μ 。我们发现散射截面的能量依赖性在改善约束方面起着至关重要的作用。此外,我们系统地估计了地球屏蔽对增强暗物质在穿过地球到达地下探测器时损失能量的影响。