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Dynamics analysis of noncircular planetary gears
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2024.108219
Shuai Mo , Yaxin Li , Yiheng Liu , Yuansheng Zhou , Xinhao Zhao , Jielu Zhang , Wei Zhang

Noncircular planetary gear has simple structure and wide application, but its dynamics research is still blank. Therefore, this paper designs and establishes a 3–4 noncircular planetary gear model, and takes a deep dive into its dynamic characteristics. Firstly, the torsional vibration mechanical model of noncircular planetary gear is established, and the key factors in the planetary gear system are fully considered, such as time-varying meshing stiffness, backlash, meshing damping and excitation frequency. These factors have an important impact on the vibration characteristics of the system. Then, the vibration differential equation of the system is established, and the vibration characteristics of the system under different parameter conditions are analyzed. The results show that the noncircular planetary gear system with large damping and appropriate stiffness can maintain a more stable operating state at a larger excitation frequency. In addition, shortening the acceleration time of the system can effectively reduce the damage caused by the unstable state to the system. These findings provide a solid theoretical basis for the subsequent optimization and analysis of noncircular planetary gears.


