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Planet’s Biomass Proxy for monitoring aboveground agricultural biomass and estimating crop yield
Field Crops Research ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2024.109511
Pierre C. Guillevic , Benjamin Aouizerats , Rogier Burger , Nadja Den Besten , Daniel Jackson , Margot Ridderikhoff , Ariel Zajdband , Rasmus Houborg , Trenton E. Franz , G. Philip Robertson , Richard De Jeu

In the context of increasing environmental change, monitoring crop conditions throughout the growing season is critical for agricultural management, risk mitigation and early assessment of food, feed, fuel and fiber production. Satellite Earth observations can provide frequent and spatially continuous measures of cropping systems to support informed agricultural decisions. However, current analysis-ready satellite data are based on optical observational systems that do not provide land surface information under cloudy conditions, and therefore cannot ensure a continuous and operational monitoring of dynamic systems such as crops. To fill this gap, Planet developed the Biomass Proxy product which provides a timely and analysis-ready relative measure of the above-ground crop biomass daily at 10 m spatial resolution. Based on Earth observations from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 constellations, the Biomass Proxy is a cloud-free vegetation monitoring product for agricultural management at scales varying from the intra-field to the national scale.


Planet 的生物量代理用于监测地上农业生物量并估算作物产量

在环境变化日益严重的背景下,监测整个生长季节的作物状况对于农业管理、风险缓解以及粮食、饲料、燃料和纤维生产的早期评估至关重要。卫星地球观测可以提供对耕作系统的频繁且空间连续的测量,以支持明智的农业决策。然而,目前可供分析的卫星数据基于光学观测系统,在多云条件下不提供地表信息,因此无法确保对农作物等动态系统的连续、可操作的监测。为了填补这一空白,Planet 开发了 Biomass Proxy 产品,该产品每天以 10 m 空间分辨率提供及时且可分析的相对测量地上作物生物量。 Biomass Proxy 基于 Sentinel-1 和 Sentinel-2 星座的地球观测,是一种无云植被监测产品,适用于从田间到国家范围的农业管理。