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Longitudinal Associations among Identity, Internalization of Appearance Ideals, Body Image, and Eating Disorder Symptoms in Community Adolescents and Emerging Adults: Adaptive and Maladaptive Pathways
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-024-02058-8
Lore Vankerckhoven 1, 2 , Laurence Claes 1, 2, 3 , Leni Raemen 1, 2 , Nina Palmeroni 4 , Steven Eggermont 1, 2 , Koen Luyckx 1, 2, 5

Previous research examined the role of identity confusion and body dissatisfaction in eating disorder symptoms, but an integrative perspective including identity synthesis and positive body image is lacking. The current study used three-wave longitudinal data (T1: N = 403; 52.1% female; Mage = 14.85, SD = 0.89) spanning two years to examine the directionality of effects among identity, internalization of appearance ideals, body image, and eating disorder symptoms, with attention to adaptive mechanisms. Results revealed a maladaptive pathway in which internalizing appearance ideals posed a risk for body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms. Conversely, an adaptive pathway highlighted the potential protective role of positive body image regarding identity formation and internalization of appearance ideals. This study provides further insight into the critical role of appearance ideal internalization in the development of eating disorders and the potential value of positive body image. Future research and prevention/intervention efforts should focus on promoting resilience to appearance ideal internalization and enhancing positive body image in the context of identity struggles and eating disorder symptoms.



先前的研究探讨了身份困惑和身体不满意在饮食失调症状中的作用,但缺乏包括身份综合和积极身体形象的综合视角。本研究使用跨越两年的三波纵向数据(T1: N = 403;52.1% 女性; M年龄= 14.85, SD = 0.89)来检验身份、外貌理想内化、身体形象和性别之间影响的方向性。饮食失调症状,注意适应机制。结果揭示了一种适应不良的途径,其中内化理想的外表会带来对身体不满意和饮食失调症状的风险。相反,适应性途径强调了积极的身体形象对于身份形成和外观理想内化的潜在保护作用。这项研究进一步深入了解了理想外貌内化在饮食失调发展中的关键作用以及积极身体形象的潜在价值。未来的研究和预防/干预工作应侧重于提高对理想外貌内化的适应力,并在身份斗争和饮食失调症状的背景下增强积极的身体形象。
