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Towards sustainability in the services industry: Does green top management support stimulate an organization's green operational performance? A moderated mediation model
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-27 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3897
Islam Bourini 1 , Osama Khassawneh 2 , Tamara Mohammad 3

This study investigates the impact of green strategic alignment (GSA) and top management green support (TMGS) on green operational performance (GOP) within the UAE's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector, focusing on the mediating role of proactive environmental strategy (PES) and the moderating effect of green psychological perception (GPP). Employing a quantitative approach through surveys, data were collected from employees at various ICT companies within the UAE who are directly involved in operations that pertain to environmental strategies. This method ensures a comprehensive understanding from those who engage daily with the company's green policies. Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, the research provides empirical evidence on how strategic orientations and management support contribute to environmental sustainability. The findings reveal that both GSA and TMGS positively influence PES, which in turn enhances GOP. Furthermore, GPP significantly strengthens the relationship between PES and GOP, offering deeper insights into the dynamics of strategic management and sustainability in the services industry. This research is pioneering within the region, introducing empirical data on the synergy between management support and PESs, and it highlights the significant enhancement of operational performance through these combined efforts. This not only supports the theoretical frameworks but also provides actionable insights for firms aiming to enhance their green initiatives.



本研究调查了绿色战略联盟 (GSA) 和高层管理人员绿色支持 (TMGS) 对阿联酋信息和通信技术 (ICT) 部门绿色运营绩效 (GOP) 的影响,重点关注主动环境战略 (PES) 的中介作用)和绿色心理感知(GPP)的调节作用。通过调查采用定量方法,从阿联酋境内各 ICT 公司直接参与与环境战略相关的运营的员工那里收集了数据。这种方法确保日常参与公司绿色政策的人员能够全面了解。该研究利用偏最小二乘结构方程模型,提供了战略方向和管理支持如何促进环境可持续性的经验证据。研究结果表明,GSA 和 TMGS 都会对 PES 产生积极影响,从而提高 GOP。此外,GPP 显着加强了 PES 和 GOP 之间的关系,为服务行业的战略管理和可持续发展动态提供了更深入的见解。这项研究在该地区是开创性的,引入了管理支持与 PES 之间协同作用的实证数据,并强调了通过这些共同努力显着提高了运营绩效。这不仅支持理论框架,还为旨在加强绿色举措的企业提供了可行的见解。