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Blockchain applications in UAV industry: Review, opportunities, and challenges
Journal of Network and Computer Applications ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2024.103932
Diana Hawashin , Mohamed Nemer , Senay A. Gebreab , Khaled Salah , Raja Jayaraman , Muhammad Khurram Khan , Ernesto Damiani

In recent years, the application of blockchain technology in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) industry has shown promise in making a substantial impact on various aspects of the field. Blockchain can provide key solutions to several challenges related to security, data integrity, and operational efficiency within UAV systems. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth investigation of the transformative role of blockchain in the UAV industry. Through a comprehensive literature review, we examine the potential impact and applications of blockchain technology in this field, with a particular focus on its capacity to address challenges across the manufacturing, planning, and operational phases of UAV systems. We explore how blockchain implementation within UAV networks enhances secure data traceability within supply chain processes and facilitates more efficient flight operations management. Our findings reveal that blockchain technology significantly improves data traceability and operational efficiency in UAV systems, offering robust solutions to challenges related to trust, transparency, data integrity, and access control within UAV networks, thereby enhancing overall system reliability and performance. Furthermore, we highlight some of the future potential opportunities and use cases for blockchain in the UAV industry, including real-time data management and decentralized verification mechanisms. We discuss the primary challenges obstructing the widespread adoption of blockchain in this industry and also propose some future research directions.


