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Examining the Effectiveness of a Simulation Training Program on Enhancing Nursing Students' Efficacy About Managing Nonphysical Violence
Clinical Simulation in Nursing ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecns.2024.101577
Sajedah Al-hamzat , Jehad A. Rababah , Mohammed Munther Al-Hammouri

The literature regarding using simulation-based training to manage nonphysical violence among Jordanian nursing students is limited. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of simulation-based training on nursing students’ efficacy about managing nonphysical violence. This study was conducted using a single-group, pre-test, post-test experimental design. Non-probability convenience sampling method was used to recruit the nursing students in the current study (N = 67). The participants attended a simulation-based training session about violence in healthcare settings. The data collection consisted of a demographics questionnaire, the perception of aggression scale (POAS), and the Defence Styles Questionnaire-40 (DSQ-40). A paired sample t-test was performed to compare the mean scores of POAS and DSQ-40 pre- and postintervention. The results of this study showed that the simulation training program did not produce a significant impact on enhancing nursing students’ efficacy about managing nonphysical violence. While no statistically significant differences were observed in the outcome measures, this study informs future research by reporting findings from a single simulation exposure and adding to the literature about using simulation interventions to impact education outcomes.



关于使用基于模拟的培训来管理约旦护理学生中的非身体暴力的文献有限。本研究的目的是检验基于模拟的培训对护生管理非身体暴力的有效性的有效性。本研究采用单组、前测、后测实验设计进行。本研究采用非概率方便抽样法招募护生(N = 67)。参与者参加了有关医疗保健环境中暴力的模拟培训课程。数据收集包括人口统计调查问卷、攻击感知量表 (POAS) 和防御风格调查问卷 40 (DSQ-40)。进行配对样本 t 检验以比较干预前后 POAS 和 DSQ-40 的平均分数。本研究的结果表明,模拟训练计划并没有对提高护生管理非身体暴力的效能产生显着影响。虽然在结果测量中没有观察到统计上显着的差异,但这项研究通过报告单次模拟暴露的结果并添加有关使用模拟干预措施影响教育结果的文献,为未来的研究提供信息。