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Integrating Branching Spherical Video Learning into Mental Health Nursing Clinical Education: Feasibility, Efficacy, and Student Impact
Clinical Simulation in Nursing ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecns.2024.101571
Don M. Leidl , Hua Li , Manal Kleib , Jay Wilson

Nursing education faces significant challenges in providing students with adequate clinical learning experiences, particularly in mental health. Anxiety among nursing students related to clinical practice is well-documented and can hinder effective learning and performance. This pilot study aimed to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of using Branching spherical video learning scenarios to reduce student anxiety and enhance mental health assessment knowledge in undergraduate nursing students. A mixed-methods approach, including quasi-experimental design and qualitative interviews, was employed. Participants were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups, with the intervention group experiencing the learning scenario during their clinical course. Quantitative analysis revealed reductions in anxiety and increases in confidence among the intervention group postintervention. Qualitative interviews confirmed reduced anxiety, increased confidence, and enhanced mental status examination (MSE) knowledge among participants. Branching spherical video learning scenarios show promise in alleviating student anxiety and improving mental health assessment knowledge in nursing education. The study underscores the potential of immersive VR technologies to enhance learning experiences and prepare students for clinical practice.



护理教育在为学生提供足够的临床学习经验方面面临着重大挑战,特别是在心理健康方面。护生与临床实践相关的焦虑是有据可查的,可能会阻碍有效的学习和表现。这项试点研究旨在评估使用分支球形视频学习场景来减少学生焦虑并增强本科护生心理健康评估知识的可行性和有效性。采用了混合方法,包括准实验设计和定性访谈。参与者被随机分配到干预组和对照组,干预组在临床课程中体验学习场景。定量分析显示,干预后干预组的焦虑减少,信心增加。定性访谈证实参与者的焦虑减少,信心增加,精神状态检查(MSE)知识增强。分支球形视频学习场景在缓解学生焦虑和提高护理教育中的心理健康评估知识方面显示出希望。该研究强调了沉浸式 VR 技术在增强学习体验并帮助学生为临床实践做好准备方面的潜力。