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Zoonotic infections by avian influenza virus: changing global epidemiology, investigation, and control
The Lancet Infectious Diseases ( IF 36.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 , DOI: 10.1016/s1473-3099(24)00234-2
Mei Kang 1 , Li-Fang Wang 2 , Bo-Wen Sun 3 , Wen-Bo Wan 3 , Xiang Ji 4 , Guy Baele 5 , Yu-Hai Bi 6 , Marc A Suchard 7 , Alexander Lai 8 , Min Zhang 9 , Lin Wang 10 , Yan-Hong Zhu 11 , Lei Ma 11 , Hai-Peng Li 3 , Ayidana Haerheng 3 , Yang-Rui Qi 3 , Rui-Lan Wang 12 , Na He 3 , Shuo Su 3

Avian influenza virus continues to pose zoonotic, epizootic, and pandemic threats worldwide, as exemplified by the 2020–23 epizootics of re-emerging H5 genotype avian influenza viruses among birds and mammals and the fatal jump to humans of emerging A(H3N8) in early 2023. Future influenza pandemic threats are driven by extensive mutations and reassortments of avian influenza viruses rooted in frequent interspecies transmission and genetic mixing and underscore the urgent need for more effective actions. We examine the changing global epidemiology of human infections caused by avian influenza viruses over the past decade, including dramatic increases in both the number of reported infections in humans and the spectrum of avian influenza virus subtypes that have jumped to humans. We also discuss the use of advanced surveillance, diagnostic technologies, and state-of-the-art analysis methods for tracking emerging avian influenza viruses. We outline an avian influenza virus-specific application of the One Health approach, integrating enhanced surveillance, tightened biosecurity, targeted vaccination, timely precautions, and timely clinical management, and fostering global collaboration to control the threats of avian influenza viruses.



禽流感病毒继续在世界范围内构成人畜共患、动物流行和大流行威胁,例如 2020-23 年在鸟类和哺乳动物中重新出现的 H5 基因型禽流感病毒的流行以及早期出现的 A(H3N8) 病毒对人类的致命传播。 2023年。未来流感大流行的威胁是由频繁的种间传播和基因混合引起的禽流感病毒的广泛突变和重配驱动的,并强调迫切需要采取更有效的行动。我们研究了过去十年中禽流感病毒引起的人类感染的全球流行病学变化,包括报告的人类感染数量和传播到人类的禽流感病毒亚型谱的急剧增加。我们还讨论了使用先进的监测、诊断技术和最先进的分析方法来追踪新出现的禽流感病毒。我们概述了“同一个健康”方法针对禽流感病毒的具体应用,将加强监测、加强生物安全、有针对性的疫苗接种、及时预防和及时临床管理结合起来,并促进全球合作以控制禽流感病毒的威胁。