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The relational forms of cultural-creative crowdfunding: A typology of practices through mapping platforms in Europe and Latin America
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101913
Alice Demattos Guimarães , Natalia Maehle , Lluís Bonet

Cultural-creative crowdfunding (CCCF) intersects the culture sector production chain and alternative finance technology as a global web-enabled phenomenon for funding cultural-creative activities. Yet, busking or aspects of patronage are not new to artists and cultural-creative agents; the novelty is doing so through a virtual intermediator space, a crowdfunding platform (CFP). CFPs have proliferated worldwide but the literature is embryonic and lacks further elaboration on how platform dynamics can impact the funding/financing patterns of specific sectors. In the case of the culture sector, given its unique attributes, specificities, and relational structuring, the impact of crowdfunding requires even more conceptual development, systematization, and potential policy instrumentalization. Hence, this study explores how CCCF has evolved and what different models (and channels) within multiple platforms were developed under the CCCF umbrella. Based on a combination of methods (tracking and trawling, Delphi, and categoric analysis), the current research maps the CFPs focusing on culture-creative projects throughout Europe and Latin America. The aim is to conceptualize a broader typology of CCCF practices that can better serve the cultural-creative circuit. This work is among the first to pursue such CCCF typology bridging cross-disciplinary understanding and real-world practices. This research, therefore, offers implications for interdisciplinary academics, practitioners, and policymakers by enabling the nuanced comprehension of the relational forms of CCCF as multiple-practices, expanding its boundaries amid a vaster umbrella of possible web-enabled genre (sub-)models to be adopted, legitimized, and systematized in (and by) the culture sector.



文化创意众筹(CCCF)作为一种全球网络现象,贯穿文化部门生产链和替代金融技术,为文化创意活动提供资金。然而,街头表演或赞助对于艺术家和文化创意机构来说并不新鲜。新颖之处在于通过虚拟中介空间、众筹平台(CFP)来实现这一点。 CFP 在全球范围内激增,但文献还处于萌芽状态,缺乏关于平台动态如何影响特定部门的融资/融资模式的进一步阐述。就文化部门而言,鉴于其独特的属性、特殊性和关系结构,众筹的影响需要更多的概念发展、系统化和潜在的政策工具化。因此,本研究探讨了 CCCF 是如何发展的,以及在 CCCF 的保护下开发了多个平台内的哪些不同模型(和渠道)。当前的研究基于多种方法(跟踪和拖网、德尔菲法和分类分析)的结合,绘制了专注于欧洲和拉丁美洲文化创意项目的 CFP 地图。目的是概念化更广泛的 CCCF 实践类型,以更好地服务于文化创意圈。这项工作是第一个追求这种 CCCF 类型学的工作,将跨学科理解和现实世界实践联系起来。因此,这项研究通过使 CCCF 的关系形式作为多种实践的细致入微的理解,为跨学科学者、从业者和政策制定者提供了启示,在更广泛的可能的网络驱动流派(子)模型中扩展其边界,以被文化部门采用、合法化和系统化。