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Unlocking the secrets of intraspecific hybrids (Vitis vinifera L.) cold hardiness: A comprehensive study of genetic factors and trait correlations
Horticultural Plant Journal ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.hpj.2024.05.004
Zhi-Lei Wang , Ozkan Kaya , Guo-Qian Xu , Wen-Long Ma , Xuan-Rui Zhao , Ting-Ting Xue , Jun-Xiang Zhang

Challenges arise in global viticulture due to low temperatures. To ensure the sustainable and high-quality development of the wine industry, it is essential to breed wine grape varieties that are not only of high quality but also possess cold hardiness. Intraspecific recurrent selection in can enhance cold hardiness while maintaining fruit quality. In this study, we used ‘Ecolly ’as an intermediary grape variety for crossing with ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’, ‘Marselan’, and ‘Dunkelfelder’, including three reciprocal crosses and a total of 1,657 intraspecific hybrids. We characterized the cold hardiness of these intraspecific hybrids and analyzed the genetic aspects of cold hardiness, ultimately identifying excellent strains with cold hardiness. Parameters like mean high-temperature exotherm (mHTE), mean low-temperature exotherm (mLTE), bound/free water ratio, water loss ratio , frost damage grades, and overall performance displayed partially normal distributions. In intraspecific hybrids, there was a maternal advantage in traits related to bound/free water ratio and water loss ratio. Some hybrid populations exhibited values for mHTE, mLTE, and water loss ratio that were lower than the low parent's values, while bound/free water ratio showed values higher than the high parent's values. Among the 1,657 intraspecific hybrids, 52 strains could bud under stress at −18 °C, and seven of these strains excelled in three important cold hardiness measures. Our study revealed that cold hardiness in is influenced by multiple genes and is a quantitative trait. Intraspecific hybridization can produce a small number of superior strains with enhanced cold hardiness.


解开种内杂种(Vitis vinifera L.)抗寒性的秘密:遗传因素和性状相关性的综合研究

由于低温,全球葡萄栽培面临挑战。确保葡萄酒产业持续高质量发展,需要培育优质且具有抗寒能力的酿酒葡萄品种。种内轮回选择可以增强抗寒性,同时保持果实品质。在这项研究中,我们以‘Ecolly’作为中间葡萄品种与‘赤霞珠’、‘马瑟兰’和‘邓克尔菲德’进行杂交,包括三个互交,总共1,657个种内杂交。我们对这些种内杂种的耐寒性进行了表征,并分析了耐寒性的遗传方面,最终鉴定出了具有耐寒性的优良品系。平均高温放热(mHTE)、平均低温放热(mLTE)、结合水/自由水比、失水率、冻害等级和整体性能等参数显示部分正态分布。在种内杂种中,在与结合/自由水比率和失水率相关的性状中存在母本优势。一些杂交种群的 mHTE、mLTE 和失水率值均低于低亲本的值,而结合水/自由水比值则高于高亲本的值。在 1,657 个种内杂种中,有 52 个菌株可以在 -18 °C 的胁迫下发芽,其中 7 个菌株在三项重要的抗寒性指标中表现出色。我们的研究表明,抗寒性受多个基因的影响,是一个数量性状。种内杂交可以产生少量具有增强抗寒能力的优良菌株。