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Modeling shared parking services at spatially correlated locations through a weibit-based combined destination and parking choice equilibrium model
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trb.2024.103000
Yu Gu , Anthony Chen , Songyot Kitthamkesorn

This paper proposes a weibit-based equilibrium choice model for investigating the effect of the emerging shared parking services, which have recently received increasing interest, on combined destination location and parking choice behaviors. The model considers the features of shared parking services, including the avoidance of cruising to search for a parking space and limited supply of shared parking spaces. The spatial similarity issues of destination and parking choices, i.e., the correlations among spatially adjacent destination locations and the parking spaces around them, are separately considered through the advanced spatially correlated weibit (SCW) model and parking-size weibit (PSW) model, respectively. Subsequently, an equivalent mathematical programming (MP) formulation of the equilibrium SCW-PSW model is developed, which guarantees the existence and uniqueness of the solutions. Based on the MP formulation, a partial linearization algorithm embedded with the iterative balancing direction-finding scheme and self-regulated averaging line search scheme is developed to solve the proposed equilibrium model. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the properties of the proposed model and its applicability to analyzing planning scenarios with different shared parking supplies.


通过基于 weibit 的组合目的地和停车选择均衡模型对空间相关位置的共享停车服务进行建模

本文提出了一种基于 weibit 的均衡选择模型,用于研究最近受到越来越多关注的新兴共享停车服务对目的地位置和停车选择行为的影响。该模型考虑了共享停车服务的特点,包括避免巡航寻找停车位以及共享停车位供应有限等。分别通过先进的空间相关weibit(SCW)模型和停车尺寸weibit(PSW)模型分别考虑目的地和停车选择的空间相似性问题,即空间相邻的目的地位置与其周围停车位之间的相关性。随后,开发了平衡SCW-PSW模型的等效数学规划(MP)公式,保证了解的存在性和唯一性。基于MP公式,开发了一种嵌入迭代平衡寻向方案和自调节平均线搜索方案的部分线性化算法来求解所提出的平衡模型。给出的数值示例说明了所提出模型的属性及其在分析不同共享停车供应规划场景时的适用性。