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Quality of Care and Quality of Life: Balancing Patient Safety and Physician Burnout.
Obstetrics and Gynecology ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1097/aog.0000000000005681
Howard Minkoff 1 , Joselle O'Brien , Richard Berkowitz

Since the publication of the Institute of Medicine's landmark report on medical errors in 2000, a large number of safety programs have been implemented in American hospitals. Concurrently, there has been a dramatic increase in the rate of burnout among physicians. Although there are many unrelated causes of burnout (eg, loss of autonomy), and multiple safety programs that are applauded by physicians (eg, The Safe Motherhood Initiative), other programs created in the name of safety improvements may be contributing to physician distress. In this piece, we review several of those programs, describe their limitations and costs to physician well-being, and discuss the manner in which they might be modified to retain their benefits while mitigating the burdens they place on physicians.



自 2000 年医学研究所 (Institute of Medicine) 关于医疗差错的里程碑式报告发布以来,美国医院已经实施了大量安全计划。与此同时,医生的倦怠率急剧增加。尽管有许多不相关的倦怠原因(例如,失去自主性),并且有多种安全计划受到医生的欢迎(例如,安全母亲倡议),但以安全改进的名义创建的其他计划可能会导致医生的痛苦。在这篇文章中,我们回顾了其中的几个计划,描述了它们的局限性和对医生福祉的成本,并讨论了可以修改它们的方式以保留其好处,同时减轻它们给医生带来的负担。