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Gaze Preferences to Male Contrapposto and Non-Contrapposto Postures
Empirical Studies of the Arts ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 , DOI: 10.1177/02762374241268424
Farid Pazhoohi 1 , Oliver Lee Jacobs 2 , Alan Kingstone 2

Contrapposto, an asymmetrical twisting of the hips and shoulders, has historically been associated with beauty and aesthetics in art. While the impact of a female contrapposto posture on perception of attractiveness and visual attention has been studied, its effects on males remain understudied. The current research aims to explore whether contrapposto postures in men influence perceptions of attractiveness, dominance, masculinity, dynamism, and naturalness, as well as visual attention. Two eye-tracking studies were conducted, utilizing images of male models in contrapposto and upright poses. Despite differences in attributions, no significant differences were found in visual attention between the two poses in both initial fixation and prolonged gaze behaviors. Contrapposto was consistently perceived as less dominant, masculine, and natural. These findings suggest a feminizing effect of contrapposto on male body posture, aligning with previous research on female contrapposto. The current research provides insights into the historical and artistic significance of contrapposto while contributing to the understanding of nonverbal communication through body posture.



Contrapposto,即臀部和肩膀的不对称扭转,历史上一直与艺术中的美和美学联系在一起。虽然女性对立姿势对吸引力感知和视觉注意力的影响已被研究,但其对男性的影响仍有待研究。目前的研究旨在探讨男性的对立姿势是否会影响对吸引力、主导地位、男性气质、活力、自然以及视觉注意力的感知。利用男性模特的反向姿势和直立姿势的图像进行了两项眼球追踪研究。尽管归因存在差异,但在初始注视和长时间凝视行为中,两种姿势之间的视觉注意力没有显着差异。 Contrapposto 一直被认为是不那么占主导地位的、男性化的和自然的。这些发现表明对位对男性身体姿势的女性化影响,与之前对女性对位的研究一致。当前的研究深入了解了对位的历史和艺术意义,同时有助于理解通过身体姿势进行的非语言交流。