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Gender-Sexuality Alliance Experiences and LGBTQ+ Inclusive School Policies and Practices Predict Youth’s School Belonging
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-024-02060-0
V Paul Poteat 1 , Robert A Marx 2 , Abigail Richburg 3 , Jerel P Calzo 4 , Cayley C Bliss 5 , Hirokazu Yoshikawa 3 , Arthur Lipkin 5

Gender-Sexuality Alliances (GSAs) and inclusive school policies and practices that affirm youth with minoritized sexual orientations or gender identities (e.g., lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer youth; LGBTQ+ youth) are two sources of support for LGBTQ+ youth that could promote school belonging. The current study tested a three-level multilevel model in which youth’s GSA experiences and the degree to which their schools implemented LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and practices predicted their school belonging over a six-month period. Participants included 627 youth (87% LGBQ+ youth, 45% transgender or nonbinary youth, 48% youth of color) ages 11–22 (Mage = 15.13) in 51 GSAs. At the within-individual level, youth reported greater school belonging on occasions following months when they felt their peers and advisors were more responsive to their needs and when they had taken on more leadership in the GSA. At the between-individual level, youth who generally felt their peers were more responsive over the study period reported greater school belonging than others. At the between-GSA level, GSA members in schools that more thoroughly implemented LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and practices reported greater school belonging over the study period. These findings underscore the relevance of GSAs and inclusive policies and practices in establishing welcoming school environments.


性别联盟经验和 LGBTQ+ 包容性学校政策和实践预测青少年的学校归属感

性别联盟 (GSA) 和包容性学校政策和做法,肯定性取向或性别认同少数的青少年(例如女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者、酷儿青少年;LGBTQ+ 青少年)是支持 LGBTQ+ 青少年的两个来源促进学校归属感。目前的研究测试了一个三级多层次模型,其中青少年的 GSA 经历以及他们的学校实施 LGBTQ+ 包容性政策和实践的程度预测了他们在六个月内的学校归属感。参与者包括 51 个 GSA 中的 627 名 11-22 岁青少年(87% LGBQ+ 青少年、45% 跨性别或非二元青少年、48%有色人种青少年)。在个人层面上,当年轻人在几个月后感到同龄人和顾问对他们的需求更加敏感以及当他们在 GSA 中承担起更多领导责任时,他们会报告对学校的归属感更强。在个体之间的层面上,那些普遍认为同龄人在研究期间反应更积极的年轻人比其他人有更强的学校归属感。在 GSA 之间的层面上,更彻底地实施 LGBTQ+ 包容性政策和实践的学校中的 GSA 成员表示,在研究期间,学校归属感更高。这些发现强调了 GSA 以及包容性政策和实践在建立温馨学校环境方面的相关性。
