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Synergistic Improvement of BiI3 and In on Thermoelectric Properties of Zone-Melted n-Type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.4c04191
Tongliang Wang 1, 2 , Chuandong Zhou 2, 3 , Wenjie Huang 2, 3 , Xueqing Xia 1, 2 , Hanlin Chen 1 , Zhonghua Li 1 , Jun Jiang 2

Bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) is the only commercial thermoelectric material so far, and it is also the best thermoelectric material with the best performance at room temperature. However, up to now, the zT value of n-type materials used on a large scale is only about 1.0; this makes the thermoelectric conversion efficiency of thermoelectric devices and thermoelectric applications stagnant. Therefore, under the synergistic action of BiI3 and In, the properties of n-type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 material are improved. The experiments show that BiI3, which is nontoxic and non-absorbent, can effectively improve the power factor of the material and inhibit the bipolar effect and is an effective dopant. After the inclusion of In, due to the low bond energy of the In–Te bond, it is easy to form the InTe phase in the matrix material and then introduce the second phase, and the presence of the second phase in the material will scatter phonons and reduce the lattice thermal conductivity so that it can reach 0.31 W m–1 K–1 at 350 K. Ultimately, a high maximum zT of 1.20 at 325 K and a remarkable average zT of 1.04 (300–500 K) are attained in the In0.005Bi1.995Te2.7Se0.3 + 0.13 wt % BiI3 sample.



碲化铋(Bi 2 Te 3 )是迄今为止唯一商业化的热电材料,也是室温下性能最好的热电材料。但到目前为止,大规模使用的n型材料的zT值仅为1.0左右;这使得热电器件和热电应用的热电转换效率停滞不前。因此,在BiI 3和In的协同作用下, n型Bi 2 Te 2.7 Se 0.3材料的性能得到改善。实验表明,BiI 3无毒、不吸水,能有效提高材料的功率因数并抑制双极效应,是一种有效的掺杂剂。掺入In后,由于In-Te键的键能较低,很容易在基体材料中形成InTe相,进而引入第二相,第二相在材料中的存在会发生散射声子并降低晶格热导率,使其在 350 K 时达到 0.31 W m –1 K –1 。最终,在 325 K 时达到 1.20 的最大zT和 1.04 (300–500 K) 的显着平均zT In 0.005 Bi 1.995 Te 2.7 Se 0.3 + 0.13 wt% BiI 3样品中。