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The rise of patient avatars in precision oncology
Nature Biotechnology ( IF 33.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 , DOI: 10.1038/s41587-024-02335-8
Lukas Ehlen 1, 2 , Michael Schmueck-Henneresse 1

Response to anticancer treatment is dictated not only by availability of molecular targets within the tumor, but also by the highly heterogenous, patient-specific composition of cells within tumors and their complex tumor microenvironment (TME). Consequently, some patients demonstrate remarkable responses to anticancer therapies, whereas others experience negligible effects. Thus, there is an urgent need for more effective strategies to preselect patients for therapies, mitigating the risk of administering ineffective and potentially harmful drugs and speeding up the process for patients to receive the most effective treatment.

The most promising solution to tackle heterogenous responses to treatment is the creation of patient-derived models (‘patient avatars’) that accurately represent an individual’s tumor. Tailoring therapies for cancer patients based on their avatars’ responses to anticancer drugs could change the entire approach to treating patients with solid tumor diseases. Although introducing these human in vitro systems into clinical settings has been challenging, recent evidence has demonstrated the readiness of these models for clinical translation.



对抗癌治疗的反应不仅取决于肿瘤内分子靶标的可用性,还取决于肿瘤内高度异质的、患者特异性的细胞组成及其复杂的肿瘤微环境 (TME)。因此,一些患者对抗癌治疗表现出显着的反应,而另一些患者的效果可以忽略不计。因此,迫切需要更有效的策略来预先选择患者进行治疗,降低施用无效和潜在有害药物的风险,并加快患者接受最有效治疗的过程。

