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Dissecting the mechanism of CRISPR–Cas technologies to design efficient biotechnologies
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 , DOI: 10.1038/s41594-024-01366-8
Jasleen Gill 1

CRISPR–Cas enzymes have enabled us to manipulate the genetic code with unparalleled precision and efficiency. Here I explore the structural and biochemical intricacies that govern the functionality of CRISPR–Cas technologies, emphasizing the need for a nuanced mechanistic understanding to overcome current limitations and pave the way for safer and more effective genome-editing applications in medicine and research.

CRISPR–Cas enzymes have emerged as a molecular scalpel for scientists and physicians, who are now able to target and manipulate our genetic code efficiently and precisely. Over the past ten years, scientists have leveraged the ability of these enzymes to target specific genomic regions, beginning with cytosine and adenine base editors, and followed by prime and click editing technologies1 that expanded editing to transversion mutations, insertions and deletions. CRISPR-based technologies have made detecting and treating disease, drug and genetic screening, and creating genetically modified crops more accessible than ever before.


剖析 CRISPR-Cas 技术的机制以设计高效的生物技术

CRISPR-Cas 酶使我们能够以无与伦比的精度和效率操纵遗传密码。在这里,我探讨了控制 CRISPR-Cas 技术功能的结构和生化复杂性,强调需要细致入微的机制理解,以克服当前的局限性,并为医学和研究中更安全、更有效的基因组编辑应用铺平道路。

CRISPR-Cas 酶已成为科学家和医生的分子手术刀,他们现在能够高效、精确地瞄准和操纵我们的遗传密码。在过去的十年中,科学家们利用这些酶的能力来靶向特定的基因组区域,从胞嘧啶和腺嘌呤碱基编辑器开始,然后是引物和点击编辑技术1 ,将编辑范围扩大到颠换突变、插入和删除。基于 CRISPR 的技术使疾病检测和治疗、药物和基因筛查以及转基因作物的生产变得比以往任何时候都更加容易。
