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Analyzing Quantum Entanglement with the Schmidt Decomposition in Operator Space
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.040203
Chengjie Zhang 1 , Sophia Denker 2 , Ali Asadian 3 , Otfried Gühne 2

Characterizing entanglement is central for quantum information science. Special observables which indicate entanglement, so-called entanglement witnesses, are a widely used tool for this task. The construction of these witnesses typically relies on the observation that quantum states with a high fidelity to some entangled target state are entangled, too. We introduce a general method to construct entanglement witnesses based on the Schmidt decomposition of observables. The method works for two-particle and multiparticle systems and is strictly stronger than fidelity-based constructions. The resulting witnesses can also be used to quantify entanglement and to characterize its dimensionality. Finally, we present experimentally relevant examples, where our approach improves entanglement detection significantly.


