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Control of Interlinking Converter for Power Quality Improvement in Hybrid Microgrid
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 7-25-2024 , DOI: 10.1109/tie.2024.3419224
Shalvi Tyagi 1 , Bhim Singh 1 , Souvik Das 1

This article deals with control of a hybrid ac/dc microgrid (MG) comprising photovoltaic array (PV), battery energy storage (ES), small hydroelectric (SH) generator, and wind energy conversion system (WECS). WECS is connected via static power electronic switch (SPES). The notion of ac/dc MG has emerged due to progress in both ac- and dc-based renewable energy sources (RESs) and loads. Ac and dc buses are adjoined using an interlinking converter (ILC) for bidirectional exchange of power. Depending upon generation and demand, four operating modes of hybrid ac/dc MG are formed, which allow independent operation at both ac and dc bus. Modes are formed to maximize utilization of RESs at their respective buses. Maximum power point algorithms are used to extract maximum power from WECS and solar PV array. Moreover, a filtered-x affine projection Versoria (FxAPV) adaptive filter is employed to extract active and reactive parts of load currents so that stator currents of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) and hydrogenerator are harmonics free. System voltage and frequency of ac bus are controlled using ILC, whereas bidirectional dc_dc converter (BDDC) regulates voltage on dc side. Performance of system is verified on a hardware prototype.



本文讨论混合交流/直流微电网 (MG) 的控制,其中包括光伏阵列 (PV)、电池储能 (ES)、小型水力发电 (SH) 发电机和风能转换系统 (WECS)。 WECS 通过静态电力电子开关 (SPES) 连接。由于基于交流和直流的可再生能源 (RES) 和负载的进步,交流/直流 MG 的概念应运而生。交流和直流母线通过互连转换器 (ILC) 相连,以实现双向电力交换。根据发电和需求,混合交流/直流 MG 形成四种运行模式,允许在交流和直流母线上独立运行。各种模式的形成是为了最大限度地利用各自公交车上的 RES。最大功率点算法用于从WECS和太阳能光伏阵列中提取最大功率。此外,采用滤波x仿射投影Versoria(FxAPV)自适应滤波器来提取负载电流的有功和无功部分,从而使双馈感应发电机(DFIG)和水轮发电机的定子电流无谐波。交流总线的系统电压和频率由 ILC 控制,而双向 dc_dc 转换器 (BDDC) 则调节直流侧的电压。系统性能在硬件原型上进行了验证。