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Exploration of Black/African American College Survivors of IPV During COVID-19 Utilizing Descriptive Analysis
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241259023
Brean'a M Parker 1 , Erica Campbell 2 , Jake Leite 1 , Kim Stansbury 1

The last few decades have ushered in an increase in scholarship focused on campus-based violence, specifically sexual violence, sexual assault, and unwanted sexual experiences. This rise in sexual violence scholarship has promoted the examination of current campus-based interventions, resources, and response systems. However, there exists a dearth of research exploring the experience of intimate partner violence for college students within college/university settings. In this descriptive analysis, we capture the prevalence of intimate partner violence for a nationwide sample of 1,035 college students across diverse college and university campuses within the United States. Researchers utilized a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Intimate Partner Violence Screening Questionnaire to capture and measure college students’ experiences of intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. To analyze the data, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 28) was used. Univariate analyses and cross-tabulation analyses were conducted to examine the data. Specifically, due to the majority of research focusing on cisgender, White heterosexual women respondents, we focus our analysis on the experiences of Black and/or African American survivors of intimate partner violence on college campuses, in hopes of capturing the prevalence of intimate and relationship violence for Black/African American college students across colleges and universities. Results of this study revealed the prevalence of all types of intimate partner violence and abuse such as emotional/psychological, physical, and sexual violence within Black/African American college students. Findings from this database study produce implications for college/university campuses to consider capacity to address enduring psychological concerns and outcomes tied to intimate partner violence within college/university campuses, while also considering culturally responsive prevention and intervention efforts.


利用描述性分析探索 COVID-19 期间 IPV 的黑人/非裔美国大学幸存者

过去几十年来,针对校园暴力,特别是性暴力、性侵犯和不良性经历的学术研究有所增加。性暴力学术的兴起促进了对当前校园干预措施、资源和应对系统的审查。然而,目前还缺乏探索大学生在大学环境中遭受亲密伴侣暴力经历的研究。在这项描述性分析中,我们以美国不同学院和大学校园的 1,035 名大学生为样本,了解了亲密伴侣暴力的发生率。研究人员利用社会人口学调查问卷和亲密伴侣暴力筛查问卷来获取和衡量大学生在 COVID-19 大流行期间遭受亲密伴侣暴力的经历。为了分析数据,使用了社会科学统计软件包 (SPSS 28)。进行单变量分析和交叉表分析来检查数据。具体来说,由于大多数研究都集中在顺性别、白人异性恋女性受访者上,我们将分析重点放在大学校园亲密伴侣暴力的黑人和/或非裔美国幸存者的经历上,希望了解亲密和关系的普遍程度各学院和大学针对黑人/非裔美国大学生的暴力行为。这项研究的结果揭示了黑人/非裔美国大学生中各种类型的亲密伴侣暴力和虐待的普遍性,例如情感/心理、身体和性暴力。 该数据库研究的结果对学院/大学校园产生了影响,以考虑解决学院/大学校园内与亲密伴侣暴力相关的持久心理问题和结果的能力,同时还考虑文化响应的预防和干预工作。