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Decoding Remapped Spatial Information in the Peri-Saccadic Period
Journal of Neuroscience ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-24 , DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.2134-23.2024
Caoimhe Moran 1, 2 , Philippa A Johnson 3, 4 , Ayelet N Landau 2, 5 , Hinze Hogendoorn 3, 6

It has been suggested that, prior to a saccade, visual neurons predictively respond to stimuli that will fall in their receptive fields after completion of the saccade. This saccadic remapping process is thought to compensate for the shift of the visual world across the retina caused by eye movements. To map the timing of this predictive process in the brain, we recorded neural activity using electroencephalography during a saccade task. Human participants (male and female) made saccades between two fixation points while covertly attending to oriented gratings briefly presented at various locations on the screen. Data recorded during trials in which participants maintained fixation were used to train classifiers on stimuli in different positions. Subsequently, data collected during saccade trials were used to test for the presence of remapped stimulus information at the post-saccadic retinotopic location in the peri-saccadic period, providing unique insight into when remapped information becomes available. We found that the stimulus could be decoded at the remapped location ~180 ms post-stimulus onset, but only when the stimulus was presented 100–200 ms before saccade onset. Within this range, we found that the timing of remapping was dictated by stimulus onset rather than saccade onset. We conclude that presenting the stimulus immediately before the saccade allows for optimal integration of the corollary discharge signal with the incoming peripheral visual information, resulting in a remapping of activation to the relevant post-saccadic retinotopic neurons.



有人认为,在眼跳之前,视觉神经元会预测性地对眼跳完成后落在其感受野中的刺激做出反应。这种扫视重新映射过程被认为可以补偿由眼球运动引起的视网膜视觉世界的移动。为了绘制大脑中这种预测过程的时间安排,我们在扫视任务期间使用脑电图记录了神经活动。人类参与者(男性和女性)在两个注视点之间进行扫视,同时秘密地关注屏幕上不同位置上短暂呈现的定向光栅。在参与者保持注视的试验期间记录的数据用于训练分类器对不同位置的刺激。随后,在扫视试验期间收集的数据用于测试扫视周围时期在扫视后视网膜专题位置处是否存在重新映射的刺激信息,从而提供了重新映射信息何时可用的独特见解。我们发现,刺激可以在刺激开始后约 180 毫秒的重新映射位置被解码,但前提是刺激在眼跳开始前 100-200 毫秒出现。在此范围内,我们发现重新映射的时间是由刺激开始而不是眼跳开始决定的。我们的结论是,在眼跳之前立即呈现刺激可以将推论放电信号与传入的外周视觉信息进行最佳整合,从而将激活重新映射到相关的眼跳后视网膜专题神经元。
