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Nanoscale spin rectifiers for harvesting ambient radiofrequency energy
Nature Electronics ( IF 33.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-24 , DOI: 10.1038/s41928-024-01212-1
Raghav Sharma , Tung Ngo , Eleonora Raimondo , Anna Giordano , Junta Igarashi , Butsurin Jinnai , Shishun Zhao , Jiayu Lei , Yong-Xin Guo , Giovanni Finocchio , Shunsuke Fukami , Hideo Ohno , Hyunsoo Yang

Radiofrequency harvesting using ambient wireless energy could be used to reduce the carbon footprint of electronic devices. However, ambient radiofrequency energy is weak (less than −20 dBm), and the performance of state-of-the-art radiofrequency rectifiers is restricted by thermodynamic limits and high-frequency parasitic impedance. Nanoscale spin rectifiers based on magnetic tunnel junctions have recently demonstrated high sensitivity, but suffer from a low a.c.-to-d.c. conversion efficiency (less than 1%). Here we report a sensitive spin rectifier rectenna that can harvest ambient radiofrequency signals between −62 and −20 dBm. We also develop an on-chip co-planar-waveguide-based spin rectifier array with a large zero-bias sensitivity (around 34,500 mV mW−1) and high efficiency (7.81%). The performance of our spin rectifier array relies on self-parametric excitation, driven by voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy. We show that these spin rectifiers can be used to wirelessly power a sensor at a radiofrequency power of −27 dBm.



使用环境无线能量的射频采集可用于减少电子设备的碳足迹。然而,环境射频能量很弱(小于-20 dBm),并且最先进的射频整流器的性能受到热力学极限和高频寄生阻抗的限制。基于磁隧道结的纳米级自旋整流器最近表现出高灵敏度,但其交流-直流转换效率较低(小于 1%)。在这里,我们报告了一种灵敏的自旋整流器整流天线,它可以收集−62至−20 dBm之间的环境射频信号。我们还开发了一种基于片上共面波导的自旋整流器阵列,具有高零偏置灵敏度(约34,500 mV mW −1 )和高效率(7.81%)。我们的自旋整流器阵列的性能依赖于由压控磁各向异性驱动的自参数激励。我们证明这些自旋整流器可用于以 −27 dBm 的射频功率为传感器无线供电。
