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Deploying deep Solanaceae domestication and virus biotechnology knowledge to enhance food system performance and diversity
Horticulture Research ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-20 , DOI: 10.1093/hr/uhae205
Fabio Pasin 1 , Mireia Uranga 2, 3 , Raghavan Charudattan 4, 5, 6 , Choon-Tak Kwon 7, 8

Our knowledge of crop domestication, genomics, and of the plant virosphere unevenly represents the taxonomic distribution of the global biodiversity, and, as we show here, is significantly enriched for the Solanaceae. Within the family, potato, tomato, eggplant, pepper, and over 100 lesser-known edible species play important nutrition and cultural roles in global and local food systems. Technologies using engineered viruses are transitioning from proof-of-concept applications in model plants to the precise trait breeding of Solanaceae crops. Leveraging this accumulated knowledge, we highlight the potential of virus-based biotechnologies for fast-track improvement of Solanaceae crop production systems, contributing to enhanced global and local human nutrition and food security.



我们对作物驯化、基因组学和植物病毒圈的了解不均匀地代表了全球生物多样性的分类分布,并且正如我们在此所示,茄科的知识显着丰富。在该家族中,马铃薯、番茄、茄子、辣椒和 100 多种鲜为人知的食用物种在全球和当地粮食系统中发挥着重要的营养和文化作用。使用工程病毒的技术正在从模型植物中的概念验证应用转向茄科作物的精确性状育种。利用这些积累的知识,我们强调基于病毒的生物技术在快速改进茄科作物生产系统方面的潜力,有助于增强全球和当地人类营养和粮食安全。