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The critical role of procurement in the emergence of circular business models: Insights from multiple cases of Vietnamese manufacturers
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-23 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3888
Umair Tanveer 1 , Thinh Gia Hoang 2, 3 , Huy Quang Truong 4 , Shamaila Ishaq 5 , Yu (Jack) Gong 6

While recent literature acknowledges the role of procurement in circular business models (CBM), a comprehensive exploration of its potential contribution remains scarce. This study delves into the under‐explored role of procurement in advancing CBMs within organizations. Employing a multiple case research design focused on four Vietnamese manufacturers, the research unveils procurement's distinctive contributions to CBM implementation. Emphasis is placed on supporting recyclability, reusability, waste reduction, and ethical standards aligned with competitive strategies. The study introduces a circular procurement framework, demonstrating its potential to drive CBM adoption. Theoretical contributions involve applying CE and CBM theories to procurement, identifying its role in CBM organization, uncovering barriers, and linking them to organizational context and financial considerations. In terms of practical implications, the research provides managerial guidance, emphasizing the pivotal link between procurement and CBM success, offering actionable insights for effectively navigating challenges, and fostering a culture of sustainable circularity within manufacturing businesses.



尽管最近的文献承认采购在循环商业模式(CBM)中的作用,但对其潜在贡献的全面探索仍然很少。本研究深入探讨了采购在组织内部推进 CBM 方面尚未充分探索的作用。该研究采用针对四家越南制造商的多案例研究设计,揭示了采购对 CBM 实施的独特贡献。重点是支持可回收性、可重复使用性、减少废物以及与竞争战略相一致的道德标准。该研究引入了循环采购框架,展示了其推动 CBM 采用的潜力。理论贡献包括将 CE 和 CBM 理论应用于采购,确定其在 CBM 组织中的作用,发现障碍,并将其与组织背景和财务考虑因素联系起来。在实际影响方面,该研究提供了管理指导,强调了采购和 CBM 成功之间的关键联系,为有效应对挑战提供了可行的见解,并在制造企业内培育了可持续循环的文化。