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Enhancing sustainable supply chains through traceability, transparency and stakeholder collaboration: A quantitative analysis
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-23 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3884
Sofia Garcia‐Torres 1 , Marta Rey‐Garcia 2, 3 , Josune Sáenz 4

Traceability and transparency are essential for sustainability in complex global supply chains (SCs), but they remain elusive goals in practice. Scholars and practitioners consistently advocate collaboration amongst SC stakeholders as a means of enhancing them, yet little is known regarding their interrelation and contribution to sustainability. We adopt the SC practice‐based view (SCPV) to propose and test an explanatory model elucidating how to deploy collaboration, traceability and transparency to achieve triple bottom line (TBL) performance within global SCs. Focusing on the paramount example of complex fashion‐apparel SCs, we analyse the insights gained from 139 suppliers—typically ignored in favour of focal firms—using Partial Least Squares Structural Equations Modelling. Our results provide a concrete battery of not‐necessarily complex or inimitable activities empirically proven to help put traceability and transparency into practice to achieve TBL performance. The SCPV approach contends that everyday practices, activities and relationships amongst SC stakeholders underpin TBL performance.



可追溯性和透明度对于复杂的全球供应链 (SC) 的可持续性至关重要,但在实践中它们仍然是难以实现的目标。学者和从业者始终主张可持续发展利益相关者之间的合作,作为加强可持续发展的手段,但人们对他们之间的相互关系和对可持续发展的贡献知之甚少。我们采用 SC 基于实践的观点 (SCPV) 提出并测试一个解释模型,阐明如何部署协作、可追溯性和透明度,以在全球 SC 内实现三重底线 (TBL) 绩效。着眼于复杂时尚服装 SC 的最重要示例,我们使用偏最小二乘结构方程模型分析了从 139 家供应商获得的见解(通常会被焦点公司所忽视)。我们的研究结果提供了一系列不一定复杂或不可模仿的活动,经经验证明,有助于将可追溯性和透明度付诸实践,以实现 TBL 绩效。 SCPV 方法认为,SC 利益相关者之间的日常实践、活动和关系支撑着 TBL 绩效。