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Changes in Adolescents’ COVID-19-Health-Related Stress, Parent-Adolescent Relationships, and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Effect of Personality Traits
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-024-02048-w
Monika H Donker 1 , Stefanos Mastrotheodoros 1, 2 , Takuya Yanagida 3 , Susan Branje 1

Previous studies investigated short-term effects of COVID-19 on families. However, much is unknown about how families with adolescents fared throughout the pandemic, as well as factors that might explain interindividual differences in adjustment. The current study used latent change score models to investigate associations between changes in adolescents’ mental health, parent-adolescent relationship quality, and COVID-19-health-related stress from Fall 2019 to Spring 2021, and whether personality predicted changes in adolescents’ mental health, relationship quality, and stress. Participants were 242 adolescents (Mage = 11.56, SD = 0.44, 50% girls). Parent-adolescent negative interactions decreased from before the pandemic to the first lockdown, and stronger decreases (both in this period and between Fall 2020 and Spring 2021) were associated with simultaneous stronger increases in mental health. From Spring to Fall 2020, decreases in stress were stronger for less extraverted adolescents and were associated with better mental health. More agreeable adolescents reported a stronger decrease in stress between Fall 2020 and Spring 2021. The findings suggest that it is important to consider heterogeneity in designing future intervention and prevention programs. Especially adolescents with existing problems and from multi-problem families might be at risk for adverse consequences during pandemic-like situations.


COVID-19 大流行期间青少年与 COVID-19 健康相关的压力、父母与青少年的关系和心理健康的变化:人格特质的影响

之前的研究调查了 COVID-19 对家庭的短期影响。然而,关于有青少年的家庭在整个大流行期间的表现以及可能解释个体间适应差异的因素,人们还知之甚少。目前的研究使用潜在变化评分模型来调查 2019 年秋季至 2021 年春季青少年心理健康变化、亲子关系质量和与 COVID-19 健康相关的压力之间的关联,以及性格是否可以预测青少年心理变化。健康、人际关系质量和压力。参与者为 242 名青少年(M年龄= 11.56,SD = 0.44,50% 为女孩)。从大流行之前到第一次封锁期间,父母与青少年的负面互动有所减少,而且更强烈的减少(在此期间以及 2020 年秋季至 2021 年春季之间)与心理健康状况的同时更强劲增加有关。从 2020 年春季到秋季,外向程度较低的青少年的压力下降幅度更大,并且与更好的心理健康状况相关。更友善的青少年报告称,2020 年秋季至 2021 年春季期间,压力下降幅度更大。研究结果表明,在设计未来的干预和预防计划时考虑异质性非常重要。尤其是存在问题的青少年和来自多问题家庭的青少年,在类似大流行的情况下可能面临遭受不良后果的风险。
