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Dual-Earner Couples
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-110622-053405
Kristen M. Shockley 1 , Winny Shen 2 , Hope Dodd 3

In Western societies, most married working employees are now part of a dual-earner couple, meaning both people are engaged in the paid workforce to some extent. Such arrangements introduce benefits as well as challenges in managing two unique work roles and the shared family domain. In this review, we first summarize research about how dual-earner couples manage work and family, including the division of labor, decision-making processes, and specific behavioral strategies. Next, we discuss research on dual-earner couples’ well-being and quality of life, making explicit comparisons to single-earner couples where possible. We close our review with a discussion of research on the macroenvironment, including how cultural norms and state policies relate to dual-earner couples’ functioning. Lastly, we offer numerous recommendations for future researchers to explore the contexts and conditions that facilitate the blending of dual-earner couples’ work and family roles.


