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Genome dilution by cell growth drives starvation-like proteome remodeling in mammalian and yeast cells
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-24 , DOI: 10.1038/s41594-024-01353-z
Michael C Lanz 1, 2 , Shuyuan Zhang 1 , Matthew P Swaffer 1 , Inbal Ziv 3 , Luisa Hernández Götz 1 , Jacob Kim 1, 3 , Frank McCarthy 2 , Daniel F Jarosz 3, 4 , Joshua E Elias 2 , Jan M Skotheim 1, 2

Cell size is tightly controlled in healthy tissues and single-celled organisms, but it remains unclear how cell size influences physiology. Increasing cell size was recently shown to remodel the proteomes of cultured human cells, demonstrating that large and small cells of the same type can be compositionally different. In the present study, we utilize the natural heterogeneity of hepatocyte ploidy and yeast genetics to establish that the ploidy-to-cell size ratio is a highly conserved determinant of proteome composition. In both mammalian and yeast cells, genome dilution by cell growth elicits a starvation-like phenotype, suggesting that growth in large cells is restricted by genome concentration in a manner that mimics a limiting nutrient. Moreover, genome dilution explains some proteomic changes ascribed to yeast aging. Overall, our data indicate that genome concentration drives changes in cell composition independently of external environmental cues.



