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Analytical solutions for nonequilibrium bioheat transfer in tumor during magnetic nanoparticles hyperthermia
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-23 , DOI: 10.1515/jnet-2024-0035
Zuhur Alqahtani 1 , Ibrahim Abbas 2

This paper presents mathematical responses for the dual-phase-lag (DPL) hypothesis, which accounts for nonequilibrium heat transfer during magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia in tumor. To get this precision, volume averaging is used for the local instantaneous energy formulation for tissues and blood. This study proposes a hybrid numerical strategy to solve this problem by combining change of variables, improved discretization techniques, and Laplace transforms. Using the Arrhenius formulas, the range of denatured proteins is used to assess the degree of heat damages to the tumor and healthy tissues. The impacts of porosity, the blood perfusion and metabolism on the temperature and the thermal injuries are studied. The numerical estimations of temperature and the resulting of thermal injuries are shown on a graph, and a comparison with earlier research establishes the results’ validity.


