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Eliciting expert opinion on GIS use for surveillance and disease response in the aquatic animal health domain
Frontiers in Marine Science ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-23 , DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1429634
Giorgia Riuzzi , Federica Sbettega , Saraya Tavornpanich , Paulette Posen , Barbara Contiero , Matteo Mazzucato , Severino Segato , Nicola Ferrè

Since the 1980s, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have been integrated into animal farming technologies for purposes such as enhancing production performances and veterinary epidemiology. In aquaculture, however, there seems to be limited application of GIS, and its potential is widely overlooked, especially for aquatic animal health management. This study describes the results of a world expert opinion elicitation on the current implementation of GIS for surveillance and disease response in the aquatic animal health domain. An online survey was submitted in autumn 2023, including both closed and open questions. With a response rate of 41.2% (21 out of 51), the answer analysis highlighted that, especially when knowledge and practical skills in geomatics, information technology and remote sensing are required, a group of advanced GIS technologies is underutilized (web-based solutions, SDI, citizen science). An artificial intelligence-based inductive text analysis was performed confirming a limited exploitation of GIS mainly due to management (financial support, training, collaboration) and methodology (data suitability, modelling analyses and integration) constraints. Furthermore, despite acknowledging the importance of planning in GIS project development, most experts did not follow any written or unwritten procedures that, according to their answers, should in fact encompass sustainable principles (integration of GIS solutions into other applications or processes), and reuse of resources (guidelines and best practices, data, methods, layouts). Shared guidelines for developing GIS projects, identifying available data sources, and long-term-maintenance planning of GIS and related geospatial data, should be pursued for using GIS technologies more effectively in the aquatic animal health domain.


就 GIS 在水生动物健康领域的监测和疾病应对中的应用征求专家意见

自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,地理信息系统 (GIS) 已融入动物养殖技术,用于提高生产绩效和兽医流行病学等目的。然而,在水产养殖中,GIS 的应用似乎有限,其潜力被广泛忽视,特别是在水生动物健康管理方面。本研究描述了针对当前水生动物健康领域监测和疾病应对 GIS 实施情况征求世界专家意见的结果。 2023 年秋季提交了一份在线调查,包括封闭式问题和开放式问题。答复率为 41.2%(51 份中的 21 份),答案分析强调,特别是在需要地理信息、信息技术和遥感方面的知识和实践技能时,一组先进的 GIS 技术并未得到充分利用(基于网络的解决方案) 、SDI、公民科学)。进行了基于人工智能的归纳文本分析,确认了 GIS 的利用有限,主要是由于管理(财政支持、培训、协作)和方法(数据适用性、建模分析和集成)的限制。此外,尽管承认规划在 GIS 项目开发中的重要性,但大多数专家并未遵循任何书面或不成文的程序,根据他们的回答,这些程序实际上应包含可持续原则(将 GIS 解决方案集成到其他应用程序或流程中)和重用资源(指南和最佳实践、数据、方法、布局)。 应寻求开发 GIS 项目、确定可用数据源以及 GIS 和相关地理空间数据的长期维护规划的共享准则,以便在水生动物健康领域更有效地使用 GIS 技术。