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Geophysical and geochemical investigations of underwater sulphurous seeps from Western Black Sea (Mangalia area, Romania), in support of habitat conservation
Frontiers in Marine Science ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-23 , DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1414673
Adrian Popa , Irina Marilena Stanciu , Virgil Drăguşin , Adrian Teacă , Sorin Vasile Balan , Mihai Emilian Popa , Gabriel Ion , Bogdan-Adrian Ispas

Mangalia area harbors in the western Black Sea a distinctive marine environment thriving under specific hydrochemical conditions, largely influenced by a significant number of sulphurous springs occurring in shallow marine waters. These springs led to the designation of the area as part of the Natura 2000 Marine Protected Area (MPA) network at European level (Underwater Sulphurous Springs from Mangalia - ROSAC0094), as unique hydro-geomorphological features in the region. In 2021 and 2023, two research cruises led by GeoEcoMar investigated underwater sulphurous springs primarily located offshore of Mangalia (Constanţa County, Romania). The study area, located between 17-29 meters water depth and 1.8-3 km offshore, encompasses two marine protected areas: the Underwater Sulphurous Springs from Mangalia (ROSAC0094) and Cape Aurora (ROSCI0281). The research combined geophysical and geochemical techniques and sediment sampling. Considering the susceptibility of these natural systems to human activities such as fishing and dredging, as well as the impact of ecological and climate changes, this paper offers significant insights contributing to the development of effective conservation and management strategies for these environments. The surveys were conducted for benthic habitats mapping, with the objective of improving our understanding of these ecosystems’ distribution, composition and dynamics. As these sulphurous waters are rich in methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, our results also contribute to the inventory of greenhouse gas sources. The results presented in this paper provide valuable new insights into this specific environment, contributing to the understanding of its complex functioning and evolution.



曼加利亚地区位于黑海西部,拥有独特的海洋环境,在特定的水化学条件下蓬勃发展,这在很大程度上受到浅海水域中大量硫磺泉的影响。这些泉水导致该地区被指定为欧洲级 Natura 2000 海洋保护区 (MPA) 网络的一部分(曼加利亚水下硫磺泉 - ROSAC0094),因为该地区具有独特的水文地貌特征。 2021 年和 2023 年,GeoEcoMar 领导的两艘科考船对主要位于曼加利亚(罗马尼亚康斯坦察县)近海的水下硫磺泉进行了调查。研究区域位于水深 17-29 米、离岸 1.8-3 公里之间,包括两个海洋保护区:曼加利亚水下硫磺泉 (ROSAC0094) 和奥罗拉角 (ROSCI0281)。该研究结合了地球物理和地球化学技术以及沉积物采样。考虑到这些自然系统对捕鱼和疏浚等人类活动的敏感性,以及生态和气候变化的影响,本文提供了重要的见解,有助于为这些环境制定有效的保护和管理战略。这些调查是为了绘制海底栖息地地图,目的是增进我们对这些生态系统的分布、组成和动态的了解。由于这些含硫水域富含甲烷(一种强大的温室气体),我们的结果也有助于温室气体源的清单。本文提出的结果为这一特定环境提供了有价值的新见解,有助于理解其复杂的功能和演变。