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Translational history and hope of immunotherapy of canine tumors
Clinical Cancer Research ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-23 , DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-23-2266
Jeffrey N. Bryan 1 , Charles A. Maitz 1

Companion dogs have served an important role in cancer immunotherapy research. Sharing similar environments and diets with humans, dogs naturally develop many of the same cancers. These shared exposures, coupled with dogs’ diverse genetic makeup, makes them ideal subjects for studying cancer therapies. Tumors like osteosarcoma (cOSA), hemangiosarcoma (cHSA), soft-tissue sarcoma (cSTS), and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (cnHL) occur with greater frequency than their counterpart disease in humans. Canine brain tumors allow study of therapy strategies with imaging, surgery, and radiotherapy equipment in veterinary patients with near-human geometry. Non-specific immunostimulants, autologous and allogeneic vaccines, immune checkpoint inhibitors, and cellular therapies used treating canine cancers have been tested in veterinary clinical trials. These treatments have not only improved outcomes for dogs but have also provided valuable insights for human cancer treatment. Advancements in radiation technology and the development of tools to characterize canine immune responses have further facilitated the ability to translate veterinary clinical trial results to human applications. Advancements in immunotherapy of canine tumors have directly supported translation to human clinical trials leading to approved therapies for cancer patients around the world. The study of immunotherapy in dogs has been and will continue to be a promising avenue for advancing human cancer treatment.



伴侣犬在癌症免疫治疗研究中发挥了重要作用。与人类共享相似的环境和饮食,狗自然会患上许多相同的癌症。这些共同的暴露,加上狗的不同基因构成,使它们成为研究癌症疗法的理想对象。骨肉瘤 (cOSA)、血管肉瘤 (cHSA)、软组织肉瘤 (cSTS) 和非霍奇金淋巴瘤 (cnHL) 等肿瘤在人类中的发生频率高于其对应疾病。犬脑肿瘤可以通过成像、手术和放射治疗设备研究几何形状接近人类的兽医患者的治疗策略。用于治疗犬癌症的非特异性免疫刺激剂、自体和同种异体疫苗、免疫检查点抑制剂和细胞疗法已在兽医临床试验中进行了测试。这些治疗不仅改善了狗的治疗效果,还为人类癌症治疗提供了宝贵的见解。辐射技术的进步和表征犬免疫反应的工具的开发进一步促进了将兽医临床试验结果转化为人类应用的能力。犬肿瘤免疫疗法的进步直接支持转化为人体临床试验,从而为世界各地的癌症患者提供批准的疗法。狗的免疫疗法研究已经并将继续成为推进人类癌症治疗的有希望的途径。