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Outage Analysis of Hybrid VLC/RF Networks With an Energy Harvesting Relay and Random Receiver Orientation
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 , DOI: 10.1109/lwc.2024.3432395
Amir Hossein Fahim Raouf 1 , Chethan Kumar Anjinappa 2 , Ismail Guvenc 1

In this letter, we study an indoor downlink cooperative hybrid visible light communication (VLC) and radio frequency (RF) scenario using a relay node to reduce system outage probability. In particular, information can be transmitted to the end user either directly from the light emitting diode (LED) through the VLC link or via the RF link at the relay node when such a relay is available. To re-transmit the decoded information to the end user through the RF link, the relay utilizes harvested energy from the source LED at the ceiling. We derive the analytical expression for the outage probability of the relay-aided hybrid VLC/RF system, considering the randomness of location and receiver orientation for both the relay and the end user. Furthermore, we investigate the effects of the direct current (DC) bias, data rate threshold, and different distributions for the location and orientation of the end user and relay on the outage probability of the system.


具有能量收集继电器和随机接收器方向的混合 VLC/RF 网络的中断分析

在这封信中,我们研究了室内下行链路协作混合可见光通信(VLC)和射频(RF)场景,使用中继节点来降低系统中断概率。特别地,信息可以通过VLC链路直接从发光二极管(LED)传输到最终用户,或者当这样的中继可用时经由中继节点处的RF链路传输到最终用户。为了通过 RF 链路将解码后的信息重新传输给最终用户,中继器利用从天花板上的 LED 源收集的能量。考虑到中继站和最终用户的位置和接收器方向的随机性,我们推导了中继辅助混合 VLC/RF 系统中断概率的解析表达式。此外,我们还研究了直流 (DC) 偏置、数据速率阈值以及最终用户的位置和方向的不同分布的影响,以及对系统中断概率的影响。