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Facile synthesis of five-membered cyclic RE2P–H iron(0) complexes
Dalton Transactions ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1039/d4dt01313a
Philipp C Brehm 1 , Gregor Schnakenburg 1 , Rainer Streubel 1

The synthesis of five-membered P-heterocyclic iron(0) complexes possessing a P–H unit and two heteroatoms (E = O, N), directly bound to phosphorus, is described. Initial problems to achieve access via “classical” reduction of P–Cl bonds of P-heterocycle complexes, e.g., leading to P–P coupling, could be solved by a “combined two-step” reduction/complexation. The use of K[Fe(CO)4H] not only opened access to such heterocyclic phosphane Fe(CO)4 complexes but also allowed the synthesis of sterically non-shielded ‘secondary’ heterocyclic phosphane complexes. Spectroscopic and structural parameters are discussed.


轻松合成五元环状 RE2P–H 铁 (0) 配合物

描述了具有 P-H 单元和两个直接与磷结合的杂原子 (E = O, N) 的五元 P-杂环铁 (0) 配合物的合成。通过P-杂环配合物的P-Cl键的“经典”还原实现访问的初始问题,例如导致P-P偶联,可以通过“组合两步”还原/络合来解决。 K[Fe(CO) 4 H]的使用不仅打开了获得此类杂环膦Fe(CO) 4配合物的大门,而且还允许合成空间非屏蔽的“二级”杂环膦配合物。讨论了光谱和结构参数。