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Identification and Functional Analysis of Odorant Binding Proteins in Apriona germari (Hope)
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.4c02789
Tingting Yuan 1 , Dingze Mang 2, 3 , Endang R Purba 4 , Jia Ye 1 , Jiali Qian 1 , Fuqiang Rao 5 , Haichao Wang 1 , Zhenchen Wu 1 , Wenjing Zhang 2 , Yongxin Zheng 1 , Qing-He Zhang 6 , Zhaoqun Li 5 , Longwa Zhang 1

Apriona germari (Hope) presents a significant threat as a dangerous wood-boring pest, inflicting substantial harm to forest trees. Investigating the olfactory sensory system of A. germari holds substantial theoretical promise for developing eco-friendly control strategies. To date, however, the olfactory perception mechanism in A. germari remains largely unknown. Therefore, we performed transcriptome sequencing of A. germari across four distinct body parts: antennae, foreleg tarsal segments, mouthparts (maxillary and labial palps), and abdomen terminals, pinpointing the odorant binding protein (OBP) genes and analyzing their expression. We found eight AgerOBPs (5, 19, 23, 25, 29, 59, 63, 70) highly expressed in the antennae. In our competitive binding experiments, AgerOBP23 showed strong binding abilities to the pheromone component fuscumol acetate, eight plant volatiles (farnesol, cis-3-hexenal, nerolidol, myristol acetate, cis-3-hexenyl benzoate, (−)-α-cedrene, 3-ethylacetophenone, and decane), and four insecticides (chlorpyrifos, phoxim, indoxacarb, and cypermethrin). However, AgerOBP29 and AgerOBP63 did not show prominent binding activities to these tested chemicals. Through homology modeling and molecular docking, we identified the key amino acid sites involved in the binding process of AgerOBP23 to these ligands, which shed light on the molecular interactions underlying its binding specificity. Our study suggests that AgerOBP23 may serve as a potential target for future investigations of AgerOBP ligand binding. This approach is consistent with the reverse chemical ecology principle, establishing the groundwork for future studies focusing on attractant or repellent development by exploring further the molecular interactions between OBP and various compounds.


Apriona germari (Hope) 气味结合蛋白的鉴定和功能分析

Apriona germari (Hope) 作为一种危险的蛀木害虫构成了重大威胁,对林木造成重大危害。研究A. germari的嗅觉系统为开发生态友好的控制策略提供了重要的理论前景。然而迄今为止, A. germari的嗅觉感知机制仍然很大程度上未知。因此,我们对A. germari的四个不同的身体部位进行了转录组测序:触角、前腿跗节、口器(上颌和唇须)和腹部末端,精确定位气味结合蛋白(OBP)基因并分析其表达。我们发现 8 个AgerOBP (5、19、23、25、29、59、63、70)在触角中高度表达。在我们的竞争性结合实验中,AgerOBP23 对信息素成分 fuscumolacetate、八种植物挥发物(金合欢醇、顺式-3-己烯醛、橙花叔醇、肉豆蔻醇乙酸酯、顺式-3-己烯基苯甲酸酯、(−)-α-雪松烯、 3-乙基苯乙酮和癸烷)和四种杀虫剂(毒死蜱、辛硫磷、茚虫威和氯氰菊酯)。然而,AgerOBP29 和 AgerOBP63 并未表现出与这些测试化学品的显着结合活性。通过同源建模和分子对接,我们确定了 AgerOBP23 与这些配体结合过程中涉及的关键氨基酸位点,这揭示了其结合特异性背后的分子相互作用。我们的研究表明 AgerOBP23 可能作为未来 AgerOBP 配体结合研究的潜在靶点。 该方法符合逆向化学生态学原理,通过进一步探索 OBP 与各种化合物之间的分子相互作用,为未来关注引诱剂或驱避剂开发的研究奠定了基础。