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Engineered Regenerative and Adhesive Hydrogel for Concurrent Sealing and Healing of Enterocutaneous Fistulas
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.4c05154
Ankit Gangrade 1 , Fatemeh Zehtabi 1 , Joo-Young Ohe 1, 2 , Negar Hosseinzadeh Kouchehbaghi 1, 3 , Leon Voskanian 1 , Reihaneh Haghniaz 1 , Matan Shepes 1 , Ahmad Rashad 1 , Menekse Ermis 1 , Ali Khademhosseini 1 , Natan Roberto de Barros 1, 4

In addressing the intricate challenges of enterocutaneous fistula (ECF) treatment, such as internal bleeding, effluent leakage, inflammation, and infection, our research is dedicated to introducing a regenerative adhesive hydrogel that can seal and expedite the healing process. A double syringe setup was utilized, with dopagelatin and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in one syringe and Laponite and sodium periodate in another. The hydrogel begins to cross-link immediately after passing through a mixing tip and exhibits tissue adhesive properties. Results demonstrated that PRP deposits within the pores of the cross-linked hydrogel and releases sustainably, enhancing its regenerative capabilities. The addition of PRP further improved the mechanical properties and slowed down the degradation of the hydrogel. Furthermore, the hydrogel demonstrated cytocompatibility, hemostatic properties, and time-dependent macrophage M1 to M2 phase transition, suggesting the anti-inflammatory response of the material. In an in vitro bench test simulating high-pressure fistula conditions, the hydrogel effectively occluded pressures up to 300 mmHg. In conclusion, this innovative hydrogel holds promise for ECF treatment and diverse fistula cases, marking a significant advancement in its therapeutic approaches.



为了解决肠外瘘(ECF)治疗的复杂挑战,例如内出血、渗漏、炎症和感染,我们的研究致力于引入一种可以密封并加速愈合过程的再生粘合水凝胶。采用双注射器设置,一根注射器中装有多巴吉拉丁和富血小板血浆(PRP),另一支注射器中装有合成锂皂石和高碘酸钠。水凝胶在通过混合尖端后立即开始交联,并表现出组织粘合特性。结果表明,PRP 沉积在交联水凝胶的孔内并可持续释放,从而增强其再生能力。 PRP的添加进一步改善了水凝胶的机械性能并减缓了水凝胶的降解。此外,水凝胶表现出细胞相容性、止血特性和时间依赖性巨噬细胞 M1 到 M2 相变,表明该材料具有抗炎反应。在模拟高压瘘条件的体外台架测试中,水凝胶可有效闭塞高达 300 mmHg 的压力。总之,这种创新的水凝胶有望用于 ECF 治疗和各种瘘管病例,标志着其治疗方法的重大进步。