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Enzymatically Built Nanoenabled Antimicrobial Coating on Urinary Catheters
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-23 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.4c08599
Antonio Puertas-Segura 1 , Angela Gala Morena 1 , Silvia Pérez Rafael 1 , Kristina Ivanova 1 , Ivan Ivanov 1 , Katerina Todorova 2 , Petar Dimitrov 2 , Gianluca Ciardelli 3 , Tzanko Tzanov 1

Catheter-associated urinary tract infections represent a major share of nosocomial infections, and are associated with longer periods of hospitalization and a huge financial burden. Currently, there are only a handful of commercial materials that reduce biofilm formation on urinary catheters, mostly relying on silver alloys. Therefore, we combined silver-phenolated lignin nanoparticles with poly(carboxybetaine) zwitterions to build a composite antibiotic-free coating with bactericidal and antifouling properties. Importantly, the versatile lignin chemistry enabled the formation of the coating in situ, enabling both the nanoparticle grafting and the radical polymerization by using only the oxidative activity of laccase. The resulting surface efficiently prevented nonspecific protein adsorption and reduced the bacterial viability on the catheter surface by more than 2 logs under hydrodynamic flow, without exhibiting any apparent signs of cytotoxicity. Moreover, the said functionality was maintained over a week both in vitro and in vivo, whereby the animal models showed excellent biocompatibility.



导管相关的尿路感染占医院感染的主要部分,并且与较长的住院时间和巨大的经济负担有关。目前,只有少数商业材料可以减少导尿管上生物膜的形成,主要依靠银合金。因此,我们将银酚化木质素纳米颗粒与聚羧基甜菜碱两性离子相结合,构建了一种具有杀菌和防污性能的复合无抗生素涂层。重要的是,多功能的木质素化学使涂层能够原位形成,仅利用漆酶的氧化活性即可实现纳米颗粒接枝和自由基聚合。由此产生的表面有效地防止了非特异性蛋白质吸附,并将导管表面的细菌活力在流体动力流动下降低了 2 个对数以上,且没有表现出任何明显的细胞毒性迹象。此外,该功能在体外和体内均保持超过一周,动物模型表现出优异的生物相容性。