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Polyoxymethylene Upcycling into Methanol and Methyl Groups Catalyzed by a Manganese Pincer Complex
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-24 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c07468
Lijun Lu 1 , Jie Luo 1 , Michael Montag 1 , Yael Diskin-Posner 2 , David Milstein 1

Polyoxymethylene (POM) is a commonly used engineering thermoplastic, but its recycling by conventional means, i.e., mechanical recycling, is not practiced to any meaningful extent, due to technical limitations. Instead, waste POM is typically incinerated or disposed in landfills, where it becomes a persistent environmental pollutant. An attractive alternative to mechanical recycling is upcycling, namely, the conversion of waste POM into value-added chemicals, but this has received very little attention. Herein, we report the upcycling of POM into useful chemicals through three different reactions, all of which are efficiently catalyzed by a single pincer complex of earth-abundant manganese. One method involves hydrogenation of POM into methanol using H2 gas as the only reagent, whereas another method converts POM into methanol and CO2 through a one-pot process comprising acidolysis followed by Mn-catalyzed disproportionation. The third method utilizes POM as a reagent for the methylation of ketones and amines.



聚甲醛(POM)是一种常用的工程热塑性塑料,但由于技术限制,通过传统方式(即机械回收)对其进行回收并没有得到任何有意义的程度。相反,废聚甲醛通常会被焚烧或填埋,成为持久性环境污染物。机械回收的一个有吸引力的替代方案是升级回收,即将废弃 POM 转化为增值化学品,但这很少受到关注。在此,我们报告了通过三种不同的反应将 POM 升级循环为有用的化学品,所有这些反应均由地球上丰富的锰的单一钳状复合物有效催化。一种方法涉及使用H 2气体作为唯一试剂将POM氢化成甲醇,而另一种方法通过包括酸解和Mn催化歧化的一锅法将POM转化成甲醇和CO 2 。第三种方法利用POM作为酮和胺甲基化的试剂。