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Automated Synthesis of DNA Nanostructures
Advanced Materials ( IF 27.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.202403477
Patricia Islas 1 , Casey M Platnich 1 , Yasser Gidi 1 , Ryan Karimi 1 , Lorianne Ginot 1 , Daniel Saliba 1 , Xin Luo 1 , Gonzalo Cosa 1 , Hanadi F Sleiman 1

DNA nanotechnology has revolutionized the ability to position matter at the nanoscale, but the preparation of DNA-based architectures remains laborious. To facilitate the formation of custom structures, a fully automated method is reported to produce sequence- and size-defined DNA nanotubes. By programming the sequential addition of desired building blocks, rigid DX-tile-based DNA nanotubes and flexible wireframe DNA structures are attained, where the total number of possible constructs increases as a power function of the number of different units available. Using single-molecule fluorescence imaging, the kinetics and yield of each synthetic step can be quantitatively determined, revealing differences in self-assembly dynamics as the nanotube is built up from the solid support and providing new insights into DNA self-assembly. The exploitation of automation for both assembly and analysis (through an ad-hoc developed K-means clustering algorithm) facilitates a workflow wherein the synthesis parameters may be iteratively improved upon, demonstrating how a single-molecule “assembly-analysis-optimization” sequence can be used to generate complex, noncovalent materials in good yield. The presented synthetic strategy is generalizable, making use of equipment already available in most standard laboratories and represents the first fully automated supramolecular assembly on a solid support.


DNA 纳米结构的自动合成

DNA 纳米技术彻底改变了在纳米尺度上定位物质的能力,但基于 DNA 的结构的制备仍然很费力。为了促进定制结构的形成,据报道采用全自动方法来生产序列和尺寸限定的 DNA 纳米管。通过对所需构建块的顺序添加进行编程,可以获得基于 DX-tile 的刚性 DNA 纳米管和灵活的线框 DNA 结构,其中可能的构建体总数作为可用不同单元数量的幂函数而增加。使用单分子荧光成像,可以定量确定每个合成步骤的动力学和产量,揭示当纳米管由固体支撑物构建时自组装动力学的差异,并提供对 DNA 自组装的新见解。组装和分析的自动化利用(通过专门开发的 K 均值聚类算法)促进了合成参数可以迭代改进的工作流程,展示了单分子“组装-分析-优化”序列如何能够可用于以良好的产率生成复杂的非共价材料。所提出的合成策略是可推广的,利用大多数标准实验室已有的设备,并且代表了第一个在固体支持物上的全自动超分子组装。