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Plasmon–Exciton Interaction at the Nanoscale: Silver Is More “Precious” than Gold!
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c00909
Jyotirban Dey 1 , Alisha Virdi 1 , Manabendra Chandra 1

Predictive understanding of factors affecting plasmon–exciton coupling is crucial for the successful realization of the exciting potentials of plexcitonic nanostructures. Here, we systematically investigate the role of plasmonic metals in controlling the plasmon–exciton coupling strength. We use gold and silver nanoprisms, having identical LSPR maxima, as the plasmonic components and form two plexciton hybrids with the J-aggregates of a cyanine dye. Single-particle spectroscopy is employed to study and compare the abilities of gold and silver in influencing plasmon–exciton interaction at the nanoscale. Despite much faster plasmon dephasing than its gold counterpart, the silver nanoprism exhibits greater Rabi splitting. We reveal that the smaller plasmon mode-volume despite having larger physical volume, superior local electric-field enhancement, and smaller Ohmic losses compared to gold, enables the silver nanoprism to defy the pronounced plasmon decoherence effects and to show stronger plasmon–exciton coupling. These findings suggest that silver nanostructures should be the unequivocal choice over gold when “strong coupling” is desired for any application.



对影响等离子体激子耦合的因素的预测性理解对于成功实现复合核子纳米结构的令人兴奋的潜力至关重要。在这里,我们系统地研究了等离子体金属在控制等离子体激子耦合强度中的作用。我们使用具有相同 LSPR 最大值的金和银纳米棱柱作为等离子体组件,并与花青染料的 J 聚集体形成两个 plexciton 杂化物。单粒子光谱用于研究和比较金和银在纳米尺度上影响等离激元-激子相互作用的能力。尽管等离激元移相速度比金纳米棱镜快得多,但银纳米棱柱表现出更大的拉比分裂。我们发现,尽管银纳米棱柱具有较大的物理体积、优异的局部电场增强能力和较小的欧姆损耗,但较小的等离激元模式体积使得银纳米棱柱能够克服明显的等离激元退相干效应,并表现出更强的等离激元-激子耦合。这些发现表明,当任何应用需要“强耦合”时,银纳米结构应该是优于金的明确选择。