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Plasmon Mediated Single Photon Emission from a Nanocrystal Ensemble
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c00540
Pritha Mondal 1 , Subham Kumar Saha 1 , Parna Roy 1 , Navyashree Vasudeva 1 , Ashwini Anshu 1 , Guru Pratheep Rajasekar 1 , Anshu Pandey 1

Quantum photonic devices require robust sources of single photons to perform basic computational and communication protocols. Thus, developing scalable, integrable, and efficient quantum light sources has become crucial for the realization of quantum photonic devices. Single quantum dots are promising sources of quantum light due to their tunable emission wavelength. Here, we show the emergence of quantum-emitter-like antibunched emission behavior when multiple quantum dots are located in the vicinity of plasmonic particles. To evaluate the robustness of this phenomenon, we consider both monometallic and bimetallic particles. We find that the photoluminescence intensity of the plasmon coupled quantum dots fits well to a single sublinear power law exponent that is distinct from the behavior of CQD aggregates. Significantly, we find that plasmon coupling results in reduced flickering, thus enabling the realization of a more stable and reliable single photon source. Possible roles of emergent excitonic interactions in the coupled system are discussed.



量子光子器件需要强大的单光子源来执行基本的计算和通信协议。因此,开发可扩展、可集成和高效的量子光源对于实现量子光子器件至关重要。单量子点由于其可调谐的发射波长而成为有前途的量子光源。在这里,我们展示了当多个量子点位于等离子体粒子附近时,出现类似量子发射器的反聚束发射行为。为了评估这种现象的稳健性,我们考虑了单金属和双金属颗粒。我们发现等离激元耦合量子点的光致发光强度非常适合单个亚线性幂律指数,这与 CQD 聚集体的行为不同。值得注意的是,我们发现等离激元耦合可以减少闪烁,从而实现更稳定、更可靠的单光子源。讨论了耦合系统中出现的激子相互作用的可能作用。