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Molecular Orientation-Dependent Photonic Polarization Engineering in Organic Single-Crystal-Filled Microcavities
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c01178
Qian Liang 1 , Xuekai Ma 2 , Jiahuan Ren 1, 3 , Cunbin An 1 , Chunling Gu 4 , Bo Liao 5 , Qing Liao 1

Designing the polarization degree of freedom of light is crucial in many fields and has widespread application in, for example, all-optical circuits. In this work, we find that in an organic microcavity filled with anisotropic single crystals the cavity modes can be modulated to be elliptically polarized, i.e., partially circularly polarized and partially linearly polarized. The circular polarization component originates from the Rashba–Dresselhaus spin splitting, while the linear polarization component is due to the dislocation of linearly polarized modes. The dislocation of the linear polarizations is ascribed to the orientation of individual molecules and the molecular packing arrangement; hence, the linear polarizations can be controlled by properly structuring the molecular distributions. Our results pave the way for enriching and engineering the polarization properties of individual optical cavity modes in organic microstructures, which may favor the development of polarized lasers with various polarizations.


