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Metabolism in the spotlight: Dr. Giles Yeo on the impact and challenges of science communication
Cell ( IF 45.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.05.049
Giles S.H. Yeo

In this interview with Cell, Dr. Giles Yeo shares his journey into metabolism research, his strategies for engaging audiences, and the challenges of simplifying complex concepts. He also discusses the impact of social media, the advantages of podcasting, and the question he’s most afraid of.


新陈代谢成为焦点:Giles Yeo 博士谈科学传播的影响和挑战

在接受《细胞》杂志采访时,Giles Yeo 博士分享了他的新陈代谢研究之旅、吸引观众的策略以及简化复杂概念的挑战。他还讨论了社交媒体的影响、播客的优势以及他最害怕的问题。
