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David L. Des Marais
New Phytologist ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-24 , DOI: 10.1111/nph.19991

What inspired your interest in plant science?

I have a vivid memory, from spring break of my second year in college, of travelling with two friends to Death Valley National Park in California. Our visit coincided with a fairly wet year for the California deserts, so there were many plants growing and flowering that would ordinarily be waiting out Death Valley's notoriously hot and dry climate. My friends were keen to check out an abandoned mining operation on the side of a hill overlooking the valley, whereas I was immediately drawn to all of the plants scratching out a living among the rocks and thin soil. I was entranced looking at the different adaptations the plants had evolved to survive – some with succulent leaves, others with thick cuticular wax or dense hairs, and some clearly getting by through an ephemeral lifestyle that exploited this brief burst of moisture. The whole experience was such a great bridge to the real world from the lecture classes in general biology and chemistry that I'd been immersed in all semester, and my short time on that hill turned into a big push towards a career in plant biology.




