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Plasmonic Nanostructures Grown from Reacting Droplet-In-Microwell Array on Flexible Films for Quantitative Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Plant Wearable In Situ Detection
Advanced Materials ( IF 27.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-22 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.202405576
Chiranjeevi Kanike 1, 2 , Qiuyun Lu 1 , Hongyan Wu 1 , Larry D Unsworth 1 , Arnab Atta 2 , Xuehua Zhang 1, 3

Plant wearable detection has garnered significant interest in advancing agricultural intelligence and promoting sustainable food production amidst the challenges of climate change. Accurately monitoring plant health and agrochemical residue levels necessitates qualities such as precision, affordability, simplicity, and noninvasiveness. Here, a novel attachable plasmonic film is introduced and designed for on-site detection of agrochemical residues utilizing surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). By functionalizing a thin polydimethylsiloxane film with silver nanoparticles via controlled droplet reactions in micro-well arrays, a plasmonic film is achieved that not only maintains optical transparency for precise analyte localization but also conforms closely to the plant surface, facilitating highly sensitive SERS measurements. The reliability of this film enables accurate identification and quantification of individual compounds and their mixtures, boasting an ultra-low detection limit ranging from 10−16 to 10−13 m, with mini mal relative standard deviation. To showcase its potential, on-field detection of pesticide residues on fruit surfaces is conducted using a handheld Raman spectrometer. This advancement in fabricating plasmonic nanostructures on flexible films holds promise for expanding SERS applications beyond plant monitoring, including personalized health monitoring, point-of-care diagnosis, wearable devices for human–machine interface, and on-site monitoring of environmental pollutants.



在气候变化的挑战中,植物可穿戴检测在推进农业智能化和促进可持续粮食生产方面引起了人们的极大兴趣。准确监测植物健康和农用化学品残留水平需要精确、经济、简单和非侵入性等品质。在这里,引入并设计了一种新型可附着等离子体薄膜,用于利用表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)对农用化学品残留物进行现场检测。通过微孔阵列中的受控液滴反应,用银纳米粒子对薄聚二甲基硅氧烷薄膜进行功能化,获得的等离子体薄膜不仅可以保持光学透明度以实现精确的分析物定位,而且可以与植物表面紧密贴合,从而促进高灵敏度的 SERS 测量。该薄膜的可靠性使得能够准确识别和定量单个化合物及其混合物,具有10 -16至10 -13 m的超低检测限,且相对标准偏差极小。为了展示其潜力,使用手持式拉曼光谱仪对水果表面的农药残留进行了现场检测。在柔性薄膜上制造等离子体纳米结构的这一进步有望将 SERS 应用扩展到植物监测之外,包括个性化健康监测、护理点诊断、人机界面可穿戴设备以及环境污染物的现场监测。